BHIMARAO AMBEDKAR - he was born at MHOW on April 14th, 1891. His birth place MHOW is now at Madhya Pradesh state.
After the reorganisation of States on the basis of Languages in 1956, the leading daily DINAMALAR was launched on April 15, 1957 , from Tirunelveli.
"OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM" had given way to "OPERATION NEW DAWN" - a phase of tranisition that would wind upat the end of 2011. All American troops would then head home form Iraq, which would be free to run its affairs n accordance with the wishes of its people.
Mr. Edward Nino Hernandez (24), a colombian man, has just been officially certified as the World's
Shortest living man by the Guiness world records, measuring 70cm.
Dr. Bhimarao Ambedkar- was elected as a member of the Constituent Assembly form Bengal.
Hindu Code Bill was submitted to the Constituent Assembly in 1948.
On October 14, 1956, Ambedkar embraced Buddhism along with
many of his followers at the place now termed as DIKSHABOOMI.
B.R. Ambedkar's last book " The Buddha and his Dhamma".