Friday, October 15, 2010
Divya Ajithkumar - of Chennai became the First Woman in the history of the Indian Army to receive the coveted 'SWORD OF HONOUR' Prize, which is awarded to the best cadet. She received this prize in the function on completion of their training at the Officers' Training Academy (OTA) in St. Thomas Mount, Chennai.
GM - Genetically Modified Mosquitoes - have been designed by Malaysia to combat Dengue Fever. Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes - the female of which spread DENGUE from homes and workplaces. In the first experiment of its kind in Asia, 2000 - 3000 male Aedes Mosquitoes are to be released in two Malaysian states. The Larvae of this Mosquito will only die if the environment is free of Tetracycline - an antibiotic commonly used in medical and veterinary purpose.
The book titled "Conversation with myself" - is a new collection of Nelson Mandela's Private papers.
Climate officials from BASIC countries -Brazil, South Africa, India and China -group of developing recently met at TIAJIN, China to discuss the issue of developed nations attempt to impose trade penalties on carbon emitters.UNFCCC ----- United Nations FrameWork Convention on Climate Change at Cancun in November-2010.
Guiness record : 50,300 Saplings planted in an hour - LEH, Ladakh - The Cold desert - has entered the Guiness BooK of World Records after 50,300 sapling s were planted at a village here in less than an hour by 9,000 volunteers undera drive supported by Buddhist Monks to mark the 'green' Common wealth games in Delhi.
The earlier record was held by Peru, where 40,000 saplings were planted in 60 minutes by 8,000 volunteers.