Saturday, October 16, 2010
WORLD'S BIGGEST................
Turanor - a giant catamaran launched by the Swiss company PlanetSolar, is to circumnavigate the globes simply by harnessing the power of the sun. The 50,000 km journey, expected to take over 160 days, is intended to prove the under-exploited potential of solar energy.
Cluster Bomb Treaty: A landmark international treaty to ban cluster munitions took effect on August 1st, requiring signatories to stop the use , production and transfer of the deadly weapons. The Convention on Clusater Munitions entered into force six months after more than 30 countries ratified the 2008 treaty signed by 107 nations.
China, Russia, the United States and Israel are among those that have rejected the deal, which obliges those that have ratified to destroy
In a major step for environment protection, the Rajasthan government has announced a complete ban on the use of plastic carry-bags all over the State from August-1. A notific
ation declared the entire State a "plastic carry-bag-free-zone".